The St John Fisher College Community
is inspired by God’s Spirit and
the Catholic faith tradition
to live, to love and to learn
with respect for truth,
the courage to seek justice,
the gift of peace
and the grace to forgive
as we respond with equal dynamism
to society’s challenges today and tomorrow.
To inspire our girls to form positive relationships and empower them to face life's challenges with confidence and resilience. We aim to create a supportive environment where every student feels valued and equipped to thrive, both within and beyond the College gates.
RESPECT: We value the dignity of each individual and show respect towards ourselves, others, and the environment.
CARE: We care for and support others through acts of kindness, showing compassion and understanding.
INTEGRITY: We uphold the truth and act with integrity in all our dealings.
SERVICE: We express our love for one another through service and making positive contributions to the community.
EXCELLENCE: We strive to do our very best in all that we do.
INCLUSIVENESS: We maintain a tolerant attitude towards others and include everyone in our activities.